Results for 'Cvetka Hedzet Toth'

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  1. Negative Dialectics as a Model Analysis.Cvetka Hedzet Toth - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (8):618-629.
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    Spontanost in avtonomnost mišljenja: študije o negativni dialektiki.Cvetka Tóth - 1994 - Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče.
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    For the Renaissance of Marxism (in Serbo-Croatian).Cvetka Toth - 1987 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 22:771-784.
    Der ungarische philosoph gyorgy lukacs war zu beginn dieses jahrhunderts mit seinem prozess der aneignung des marxismus wegbereitrter in eine der bedeutendsten und produktivsten perioden der renaissance des marxismus. aus seinem marxistischen lebenswerk tritt auch sein versuch der vermittlung von einheit der theorie und praxis im marxistischen denken klar zutage. der artikel weist nachdrucklich auf diese dimension seines denkens im kontext seiner vermittlung der klassenbewusstseins. (edited).
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    Metafizika čutnosti.Cvetka Tóth - 1998 - Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče.
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    The Dawn of the AI Robots: Towards a New Framework of AI Robot Accountability.Zsófia Tóth, Robert Caruana, Thorsten Gruber & Claudia Loebbecke - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (4):895-916.
    Business, management, and business ethics literature pay little attention to the topic of AI robots. The broad spectrum of potential ethical issues pertains to using driverless cars, AI robots in care homes, and in the military, such as Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems. However, there is a scarcity of in-depth theoretical, methodological, or empirical studies that address these ethical issues, for instance, the impact of morality and where accountability resides in AI robots’ use. To address this dearth, this study offers a (...)
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    Sine qua non Causes and Their Discontents.Zita V. Toth - 2022 - Res Philosophica 99 (2):139-167.
    For theological reasons, medieval thinkers maintained that sacraments “effect what they figure”—that is, they are more than mere signs of grace; and yet, they also maintained that they are not proper causes of grace in the way fire is the proper cause of heat. One way to reconcile these requirements is to explicate sacramental causation in terms of sine qua non causes, which were distinguished from accidental causes on the one hand, and from proper efficient causes on the other hand. (...)
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    (1 other version)On the Expressive Power of Equality‐Free First Order Languages.P. Ecsedi‐Tóth - 1986 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 32 (19‐24):371-375.
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    A Cognitive Elaboration Model of Sustainability Decision Making: Investigating Financial Managers’ Orientation Toward Environmental Issues.Edina Eberhardt-Toth & David M. Wasieleski - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (4):735-751.
    This empirical paper examines individual-level cognitive factors associated with developing an orientation to sustainable development issues among a population of business practitioners from France. Across two studies, we survey 180 financial managers and 83 finance students, as well as 144 managers from other business disciplines and 117 non-finance business students. We consider ability and motivation variables integrated and adapted into a cognitive elaboration model for sustainable decision making. Specifically, we examine the degree of influence of two factors on the ethical (...)
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  9. A response to Graf and komatsu's (1994) critique of the process-dissociation procedure: When is caution necessary?Jeffrey Toth, Eyal M. Reingold & Larry Jacoby - 1995 - European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 7:113-130.
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    Toward a redefinition of implicit memory: Process dissociations following elaborative processing and self-generation.Jeffrey Toth, Eyal M. Reingold & Larry Jacoby - 1994 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 20 (2):290-303.
  11. The possibility of knowing the essence of bodies through scientific experiments in Spinoza’s controversy with Boyle.Oliver Istvan Toth - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-25.
    In this paper, I argue for a novel reading of Spinoza’s position in his exchangewith Boyle about Boyle’s experiment with nitre. Boyle claimed to have shownthrough experiments that nitre ceased to be nitre after heating. Spinozadisagreed and proposed the alternative hypothesis that nitre has changed itsstate and not its nature. Spinoza’s position was construed in the literature asrational scepticism denying that experiments can yield knowledge ofessences because all sensory experience is underdetermined and open tomultiple interpretations. I argue for an alternative (...)
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  12. The neuropsychology of memory.J. P. Toth, S. Lindsay, L. L. Jacoby, L. R. Squire & N. Butters - 1992 - In L. R. Squire & N. Butters (eds.), Neuropsychology of Memory. Guilford Press.
  13. An Illustration of the Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) Framework on the Passion Scale.István Tóth-Király, Beáta Bõthe, Adrien Rigó & Gábor Orosz - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  14. De Interpretatione: Commented Biography of Euclid.Imre Toth - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (192):3-40.
    It is said that all philosophy is nothing other than a commentary on Plato.Maybe.But was not Plato himself a commentary on Parmenides, Heraclitus, the Pythagoreans, and the Sophists, not to mention Socrates?And conversely, too, the Commentary on Aristotle composed by St Thomas was not the personal philosophy of Thomas Aquinas? Or then again, do Proclus’ Commentarii in primum Euclidis Elementorum librum not embody a new and original neoplatonic philosophy of mathematics?
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    Reasoning agents in a dynamic world: The frame problem.Jozsef A. Toth - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 73 (1-2):323-369.
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    The Entrepreneurial Calling: Perspectives from Rahner.William J. Toth - 2005 - Listening 40 (1):35-47.
    In this paper I offer a brief historical perspective on the social teaching of the Church as it relates to the entrepreneur. I then offer a preliminary analysis of the vocation of the entrepreneur and show how the Trinitarian doctrines of the Father's providence, the Son's kenotic self-sacrifice and the Spirit's creativity in Rahner's pastoral writings relate to the vocation of the entrepreneur. Although he never constructed a specific and developed theology regarding the calling of the entrepreneur, I believe Rahner's (...)
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    Reflections on the Meaning of Work.Toth - 2011 - The Lonergan Review 3 (1):304-310.
  18. A defense of reconstructivism.Oliver Toth - 2022 - Hungarian Review of Philosophy 65 (1):51-68.
    The immediate occasion for this special issue was Christia Mercer’s influential paper “The Contextualist Revolution in Early Modern Philosophy”. In her paper, Mercer clearly demarcates two methodologies of the history of early modern philosophy. She argues that there has been a silent contextualist revolution in the past decades, and the reconstructivist methodology has been abandoned. One can easily get the impression that ‘reconstructivist’ has become a pejorative label that everyone outright rejects. Mercer’s examples of reconstructivist historians of philosophy are deceased (...)
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  19. Inherence of False Beliefs in Spinoza’s Ethics.Oliver Istvan Toth - 2016 - Society and Politics 10 (2):74-94.
    In this paper I argue, based on a comparison of Spinoza's and Descartes‟s discussion of error, that beliefs are affirmations of the content of imagination that is not false in itself, only in relation to the object. This interpretation is an improvement both on the winning ideas reading and on the interpretation reading of beliefs. Contrary to the winning ideas reading it is able to explain belief revision concerning the same representation. Also, it does not need the assumption that I (...)
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  20. “Deus fons veritatis”: the Subject and its Freedom. The Ontic Foundation of Mathematical Truth. A biographical-theoretical interview with Gaspare Polizzi.Imre Toth - 2009 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 1 (1):29-80.
    “Deus fons veritatis”: the Subject and its Freedom. The Ontic Foundation of Mathematical Truth is the title of Gaspare Polizzi’s long biographical-theoretical interview with Imre Toth. The interview is divided into eight parts. The first part describes the historical and cultural context in which Toth was formed. A Jew by birth, during the Second World War Toth became a communist and a partisan, enduring prison, torture, and internment in a concentration camp from 1940 until 6 June 1944. (...)
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    Individuality in Early Modern Philosophy.Oliver Istvan Toth - 2022 - In Charles Wolfe Dana Jalobeanu (ed.), Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences. Springer.
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    Ethnicity, Religiosity and Memory. A Case Study in Vojvodina, Serbia.András Tóth-Máté, Gyula Lencsés & Melinda Adrienn Paizs - 2020 - Religious dialogue and cooperation 1:121-133.
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    Housing the Powers: Medieval Debates about Dependence on God by Marilyn McCord Adams (review).Zita V. Toth - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (4):662-664.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Housing the Powers: Medieval Debates about Dependence on God by Marilyn McCord AdamsZita V. TothMarilyn McCord Adams. Housing the Powers: Medieval Debates about Dependence on God. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. 240. Hardback, $80.00.Housing the Powers is a collection of eight interrelated articles by the late Marilyn McCord Adams (the fourth one coauthored with Cecilia Trifogli), pieced together as chapters of a book by Robert Merrihew Adams, (...)
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    "As Philolaos the Pythagorean Said": Philosophy, Geometry, Freedom.Imre Toth & Jon Kaplansky - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (182):43-71.
    In his collection of anecdotes, Lives, Opinions, and Remarkable Sayings of the Most Famous Ancient Philosophers, Diogenes Laertius devotes a chapter to the life of Zeno of Elea. Zeno's reputation is based on his celebrated paradoxes, amply discussed by Aristotle: a moving body will never reach its (pre-defined) telos, since it first has to cover half (or more than half) the remaining distance; the faster will never catch up with the slower, since it first has to get to the point (...)
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    Palimpseste : propos avant un triangle.Imre Toth - 2000 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    "C'est un palimpseste : une succession de textes tirés des oeuvres complètes des auteurs à peu près complets. Le choix effectué par la lecture se trouve incarné dans l'ordre de l'écriture. Et cet ordre est porteur d'un message, il véhicule une thèse, il articule une idée dont le sens ne devient transparent que par le tout. Désormais les fragments extraits des texte ne représentent que le maillons d'une unique chaîne connexe de paroles, segmentss d'un entier : le texte du Palimpseste. (...)
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    Knowledge of the Heart: Notes on the Definition of the Sensus Fidei in the Personal Life of the Believer.Beáta Tóth - 2023 - New Blackfriars 104 (1110).
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    Platon et l'irrationnel mathématique.Imre Toth - 2011 - Paris: Éditions de l'éclat.
    La question au nombre irrationnel et de l'irrationnel mathématique en général, tient une part discrète dans l'oeuvre de Platon, mais elle est comme cette "pierre délaissée par les architectes" et qui est pourtant "la pierre angulaire". Elle concentre toutes les questions de l'être et du non-être, du possible et de l'impossible, du fini et de l'infini et ouvre la voie à la liberté pleine et entière de l'homme en quête de vérité. En elle, convergent pensée mathématique et spéculation philosophique, en (...)
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  28. A fresh look on the role of the second kind of knowledge in Spinoza’s Ethics.Oliver Istvan Toth - 2017 - Hungarian Philosophical Review (2):37-56.
    In this paper, through a close reading of Spinoza's use of common notions I argue for the role of experiential and experimental knowledge in Spinoza's epistemology.
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    'They Tend into Nothing by Their Own Nature': Rufus and an Anonymous De Generatione Commentary on the Principles of Corruptibility.Zita V. Toth - 2021 - In Lydia Schumacher (ed.), Early Thirteenth-Century English Franciscan Thought. De Gruyter. pp. 199--220.
    In this paper, I consider Richard Rufus’ account of generation and corrup- tion. This is a fundamental metaphysical question in the Aristotelian framework. Given that there are things that are corruptible (such as trees and cats and the human body), and things that are incorruptible (such as the celestial bodies and angels), what is it that makes one one, and the other the other? In other words, what is the ultimate explanation (in Rufus' terminology, the principle or principles) of corruptibility (...)
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  30. Awareness, automaticity, and memory dissociations.J. P. Toth, D. S. Lindsay & Larry L. Jacoby - 1992 - In L. R. Squire & N. Butters (eds.), Neuropsychology of Memory. Guilford Press. pp. 46--57.
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    Editorial: Progress in Computer Gaming and Esports: Neurocognitive and Motor Perspectives.Adam J. Toth, Cornelia Frank, David Putrino & Mark J. Campbell - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    La Especulación Contemporánea en Valores.Toth - 2008 - The Chesterton Review En Español 2 (1):105-120.
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    Nathalie Sarraute on the Brink.Naomi Toth - 2021 - Paragraph 44 (2):257-269.
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  34. What children need from their K-12 schooling: a teacher's journal.Susan B. Toth - 2024 - [Alexandria, Virginia: Not Given].
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    Nonconscious forms of human memory.Jeffrey P. Toth - 2000 - In Endel Tulving (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Memory. Oxford University Press. pp. 245--261.
  36. The Interactive Effect of Goal Attainment and Goal Importance on Acculturation and Well-Being.Agnes Toth-Bos, Barbara Wisse & Klara Farago - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:499208.
    The purpose of the present research is to shed light on whether and how migrants’ goal pursuit relates to their acculturation and well-being. Previous research has demonstrated the beneficial role that striving for and attaining intrinsic goals has for well-being. Yet, the relationship between the pursuit of intrinsic goals and acculturation has hardly been addressed. To fill this void, we investigated whether migrants’ acculturation and well-being can be seen as a function of their pursuit of intrinsic goals. We posited that (...)
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  37. Is Spinoza’s theory of Finite Mind Coherent? – Death, Affectivity and Epistemology in the Ethics.Oliver Istvan Toth - 2017 - The Concept of Affectivity in Early Modern Philosophy.
    In this paper I examine the question whether Spinoza can account for the necessity of death. I argue that he cannot because within his ethical intellectualist system the subject cannot understand the cause of her death, since by understanding it renders it harmless. Then, I argue that Spinoza could not solve this difficulties because of deeper commitments of his system. At the end I draw a historical parallel to the problem from medieval philosophy.
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  38. Fixed Intelligence Mindset, Self-Esteem, and Failure-Related Negative Emotions: A Cross-Cultural Mediation Model.Éva Gál, István Tóth-Király & Gábor Orosz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A growing body of literature supports that fixed intelligence mindset promotes the emergence of maladaptive emotional reactions, especially when self-threat is imminent. Previous studies have confirmed that in adverse academic situations, students endorsing fixed intelligence mindset experience higher levels of negative emotions, although little is known about the mechanisms through which fixed intelligence mindset exerts its influence. Thus, the present study proposed to investigate self-esteem as a mediator of this relationship in two different cultural contexts, in Hungary and the United (...)
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    A différance of nothing: Sartre, Derrida and the problem of negative theology.Josh Toth - 2007 - Sartre Studies International 13 (1):16-34.
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    Recuerdos de Argentina.Kathleen Toth - 2008 - The Chesterton Review En Español 2 (1):279-279.
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    Syntactic measures of bias (and a perspective on the essential issue of bioethics).Tihamer Toth-Fejel, Chris Dodsworth & Jennifer Lahl - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (10):40 – 42.
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    Liberté et vérité: pensée mathématique & spéculation philosophique.Imre Tóth - 2009 - Paris: Éclat.
    La géométrie non euclidienne fut non seulement un bouleversement sans précédent dans l'histoire des mathématiques, mais également une bouffée d'air pur pour les partisans d'une "vérité sans les dogmes". Par ce "non" augmentatif, elle affirmait l'existence d'un en-dehors de l'Être, vingt-quatre siècles après le Parménide de Platon, et plaçait, more geometrico, la philosophie dans l'espace de la spiritualité occidentale, ouvrant la voie à la liberté dans le domaine des sciences rigoureuses. C'est aux implications philosophiques de cette révolution mathématique qu'est consacré (...)
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  43. Justifying Republican Patriotism.Szilárd Tóth - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (2):287-303.
    My paper is on the republican version of patriotism and its justification, as developed most systematically by Philip Pettit and Maurizio Viroli. The essence of the justification is as follows: patriotism is to be viewed as valuable insofar as it is an indispensable instrument for the upholding of the central republican ideal, namely freedom understood as non-domination. My primary aim is to evaluate the normative force of this justification. In the first section, I introduce minimal descriptive definitions of the concepts (...)
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    “Mapping to know”: The effects of representational guidance and reflective assessment on scientific inquiry.Eva Erdosne Toth, Daniel D. Suthers & Alan M. Lesgold - 2002 - Science Education 86 (2):264-286.
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  45. Memory, Recollection and Consciousness in Spinoza's Ethics.Oliver Toth - 2018 - Society and Politics 12 (2):50-71.
    Spinoza’s account of memory has not received enough attention, even though it is relevant for his theory of consciousness. Recent literature has studied the “pancreas problem.” This paper argues that there is an analogous problem for memories: if memories are in the mind, why is the mind not conscious of them? I argue that Spinoza’s account of memory can be better reconstructed in the context of Descartes’s account to show that Spinoza responded to these views. Descartes accounted for the preservation (...)
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  46. Spinoza's theory of intellect – an Averroistic theory?Oliver Istvan Toth - 2020 - In Jozef Matula (ed.), Averroism between the 15th and 17th century. Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz. pp. 281-309.
    In this paper, I investigate whether Spinoza theory of intellect can be considered as an Averroistic, Themistian or Alexandrian theory of intellect. I identify key doctrines of these theories that are argumentatively and theoretically independent from Aristotelian hylomorphism and thus can be accepted by someone rejecting hylomorphism. Next, I argue that the textual evidence is inconclusive: depending on the reading of Spinoza's philosophy accepted, Spinoza's theory of intellect can or cannot be considered as an Averroistic theory.
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  47. Separating conscious and unconscious influences of memory: Measuring recollection.Larry L. Jacoby, Jeffrey P. Toth & Andrew P. Yonelinas - 1993 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 122 (2):139-54.
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    What’s the Matter with Angels? Angelic Materiality and the Possible Intellect in Some Early Fourteenth-century Franciscans.Zita V. Toth - 2024 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 31 (1):251-274.
    While the question of whether angels are composed of matter and form, may seem, to the modern reader, somewhat odd, medieval thinkers saw it as a genuine puzzle. On the one hand, angels are purely intellectual creatures, which, according to some (perhaps most famously Aquinas), seems to imply that they are altogether devoid of materiality. On the other hand, however, angels are capable of change, which, according to the broadly-speaking Aristotelian framework, seems to imply an underlying material substrate. This paper (...)
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    Environment protection and sovereignty.J. I. Tóth - 1998 - Global Bioethics 11 (1-4):127-133.
    Environmental problems cannot be solved solely by achieving technical developments: innovations in the social structure are strongly needed as well. The nature of these social changes required and the integration still present the subject of prolonged debates (Tóth 1998). It is very difficult to decide whether on the long run effects of the globalization are favourable or detrimental for the environmental protection. The majority of environmentalists disagree of globalization and integration. The purpose of my essay would be to present the (...)
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    “I must be perfect”: The role of irrational beliefs and perfectionism on the competitive anxiety of Hungarian athletes.Renátó Tóth, Martin J. Turner, Tibor Kökény & László Tóth - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In this study the influence of irrational beliefs and perfectionism on the emergence of competitive anxiety was investigated. While previous studies indicate that higher irrational beliefs predict greater competitive anxiety, in the present study it is hypothesized that this relationship is mediated by perfectionism. A serial atemporal multiple mediation analysis revealed that both adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism were significant partial mediators between irrational beliefs and competitive anxiety. The total score and all four subscale scores on irrational beliefs had both direct (...)
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